Stomach Bed Structures Mnemonic

  1. Stomach Bed Structures Mnemonic Device
  2. Structures Forming Stomach Bed Mnemonic
  3. Stomach Bed Structures Mnemonic Devices
  4. Bed Of Stomach Mnemonic

The human body consist of several organs. Each organ has their function inside the human system. Similarly, the human abdominal cavity is composed of several organs. A thin tissue covers these organs – like or skin – like the membranous cover that is also known as the peritoneum. This membrane forms the key to providing the necessary support to the abdominal cavity. In addition to this, the membrane functions as a channel for the nerves, lymph and blood vessels. The organs that are present within the inner layer of the peritoneum is referred to as intraperitoneal organs. It is of utmost importance to be aware of the functions of these organs in the human body.

The peritoneum could be defined as the form of lining that covers the abdominal organs. Most of the organs that are covered by the peritoneum are known as intraperitoneal organs. The peritoneum is composed of a layer formed from mesothelium and is supported by the means of a thin connective tissue. In addition to the above, the peritoneum is also responsible for developing the key support of the abdominal organs. It also is a channel for the nerves, lymph and blood vessels.

Sometimes, people tend to confuse the abdominal cavity with the intraperitoneal space. In addition to the above – mentioned functions, the peritoneum is responsible for secretion of a fluid. This particular fluid fills up the abdominal cavity, and a perfect environment is formed with the presence of protein and nutrients. The fluid has lubricating qualities and helps the slight movements of the abdominal organs.

Sucha Singh Killed The Patient Cruelly And Mercilessly Diaphragm Spleen Suprarenal Kidney Transverse Colon Pancreas Colon- splenic flexure Artery-splenic transverse Mesocolon. Hi all, I am the proud creator of the following mnemonic, intended to help people remember which organs are in which abdominal quadrants. Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement. Right Upper Quadrant Largely liver, gallbladder, tail of pancreas, right kidney with. Principle of Germ Layer Segmentation. Ectoderm gives further rise to neuroectoderm and neural crest cells. Endoderm remains intact. Mesoderm gives further rise to paraxial mesoderm (somitomeres and 35 pairs of somites), intermediate mesoderm, and lateral mesoderm.

The mammals ideally have three main cavities. These cavities could be classified as follows –

I have compiled several Mnemonics to help nurses from all over the world with their nursing exams. ABDOMINAL MASS ABDOMINAL PULSE. Although a minimal amount of carbohydrate digestion occurs in the mouth, chemical digestion really gets underway in the stomach. An expansion of the alimentary canal that lies immediately inferior to the esophagus, the stomach links the esophagus to the first part of the small intestine (the duodenum) and is relatively fixed in place at its esophageal and duodenal ends.

Pericardial cavity

Peritoneal cavity

Pleural cavity

Out of the above, the peritoneal cavity is composed of several sacs. The peritoneum consists of a bigger form of the sac that have the infra and the supra colic components. These compartments have the capacity to carry the organs. There is the various form of organs present inside the lining of the peritoneum. Some of the peritoneal organs could be listed as follows –

The first five cms of the duodenum

The upper third part of the rectum

Sigmoid colon


Transverse colon




Also, the other types of peritoneal organs are as follows –

Tail of the Pancreas

The liver


However, it is interesting to know the difference between the male and female peritoneal system. The peritoneal cavity of the males is said to be closed. The peritoneal cavity of the females can communicate with the reproductive organs and is said to be open. This might be the reason the uterus, ovaries, gonadal blood vessels and the fallopian tubes are present inside the peritoneal inner part. However, it is crucial to know the fundamental difference between the abdominal cavity and the intraperitoneal space. The intraperitoneal space is inside the cavity, and an example of such an organ in the human system could be the kidneys.

The fluid that is secreted by the peritoneal is said to be yellow in color and has lubricating qualities. The fluid is assumed to having several antibodies, leukocytes, etc. The quantity of the fluid may increase during the liver diseases. The accumulation of the excess of peritoneal fluid may cause ascites. Human beings are said to be prone to the cancer of the peritoneum and is called mesothelioma. The presence of carcinogens in the peritoneum may have the following symptoms –

Stomach Bed Structures Mnemonic


Weight lose or gain


Stomach Bed Structures Mnemonic Device

Abdominal pain

Frequent urination

In addition to the above, there are other peritoneal organs as well. These organs could be classified as –

The ascending colon

Middle third of the rectum

Descending colon

Proximal ureters

Adrenal glands

The Mnemonic of the Intraperitoneal organs

The typical mnemonic of the intraperitoneal organs is called the SALTD SPRSS and could be pronounced as “Salted Spurss”. The mnemonic is as follows –

S – Stomach

A – Appendix

L – Liver

Stomach bed structures mnemonic chart

T – Transverse Colon

D – Duodenum (the first five cms and the 4th part)

S – Small Intestines (cecum, ileum and jejunum)

P – Tail of the Pancreas

R – Rectum upper third part

S – The sigmoid colon

Structures Forming Stomach Bed Mnemonic

S – Spleen

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  1. Don't forget to visit it for more mnemonics and useful tips on creating one. ASSAM structures passing through foramen magnum. Stomach bed: gangdoc: 14-Jun-2005.
  2. Stomach bedStructures related to the posterior surface of the stomach,in supine position, are termed as the stomach bed (i.e. The organs upon which the stomach lies). Also the structures forming.

Table of Contents

Principle of Germ Layer Segmentation

Ectoderm gives further rise to neuroectoderm and neural crest cells.


Stomach Bed Structures Mnemonic Diagram

Endoderm remains intact.

Mesoderm gives further rise to paraxial mesoderm (somitomeres and 35 pairs of somites), intermediate mesoderm, and lateral mesoderm:

  • The somites segment into the sclerotome (forms axial cartilage and bone), myotome (forms axial muscle), and the dermatome (forms the dermis of skin).
  • The intermediate mesoderm forms the urogenital system.
  • The lateral mesoderm is split into two layers by the formation of the intraembryonic coelom called the somatic layer and the splanchnic layer. The somatic layer of the lateral mesoderm and the ectoderm form the embryonic body wall or somatopleure. The visceral layer of the lateral mesoderm and the endoderm form the embryonic gut tube or splanchnopleure.

General Rule for Germ Layer Derivatives


Ectodermal derivatives:

1. Everything that makes you attractive: Skin, hair, nail, breasts, teeth enamel etc.

2. Nervous system: CNS, PNS, Sensory parts of eye, ear and nose

3. Epithelial linings that can be touched with your finger: Oral cavity, lower anal canal, external ear canal, terminal part of male urethra

4. Exocrine glands: Sweat, sebaceous, mammary, parotid, lacrimal, etc.

5. Heart: Aorticopulmonary septum and Endocardial cushion

Endodermal derivatives:

1. Lining of tube from nose, mouth and ear to anus and urethra and vagina except those that can be touched with your fingers.

2. Internal organs:

Structures Forming Stomach Bed Mnemonic

  • Gastrointestinal tract: except spleen
  • Renal and genitourinary system

Mesodermal derivatives:

1. All stuffs between skin and internal organs

2. Genitourinary and renal organs

3. Spleen

4. Adrenal cortex

5. Duramater

Derivatives of Ectoderm

a. Surface ectoderm:

Stomach Bed Structures Mnemonic Devices

  1. Skin
  2. Hair
  3. Nails
  4. Enamel of teeth
  5. Oral epithelium:
    • Lip, cheeks, gums, part of floor of mouth
    • Embryologic attachment with oral epithelium: Rathke’s pouch (Adenohypophysis)
  6. Lower third of anal canal below pectinate line
  7. Terminal (Glanular) part of male urethra
  8. Labia majora and outer surface of labia minora
  9. Epithelium of conjunctiva, cornea, ciliary body and iris
  10. External ear, outer layer of tympanic membrane and internal ear (sensory)
  11. Lens of eye
  12. Exocrine glands: Sweat, sebaceous, mammary, parotid, lacrimal, etc.

b. Neuroectoderm: CNS and brain

  1. Central Nervous System (CNS)
  2. Retina and Optic nerve
  3. Epithalamus (Pineal gland)
  4. Neurohypophysis
  5. Astrocytes
  6. Oligodendrocytes
  7. Ependymal cells

c. Neural crest: PNS and nearby non-neural structures

  1. Neuroendocrine:
    • Adrenal medulla and chromaffin cells
    • Enterochromaffin cells
    • Parafollicular C cells of thyroid
    • Melanocytes
  2. Ganglia: Sensory, cranial and autonomic
  3. Cranial nerves
  4. Celiac ganglion
  5. Schwann cells
  6. Meninges: Pia and arachnoid mater
  7. Pharyngeal arch chartilage
  8. Odontoblasts
  9. Aorticopulmonary septum
  10. Endocardial cushions

Stomach Bed Structures Mnemonic Devices

Ectodermal Derivative’s Mnemonic: 7 E

  1. Epidermis
  2. Epithelial linings of external orifices
  3. Ear, eye and nose – sensory part like olfactory epithelium, retina, etc.
  4. Enamel of teeth
  5. Exocrine glands
  6. Encephalon (CNS)
  7. Eye lens

Derivatives of Mesoderm

  1. Connective tissues:
    • Loose areolar tissue
    • Superficial and deep fascia
    • Ligaments
    • Tendons
    • Aponeuroses
    • Dermis of skin
  2. Specialized connective tissue:
    • Adipose tissue
    • Reticular tissue
    • Cartilage
    • Bone
  3. Muscles: except musculature of iris
    • Smooth
    • Cardiac
    • Skeletal
  4. All serous membranes
  5. Blood, lymph, cardiovascular organs
  6. Substance of cornea, sclera, choroid, ciliary body and iris
  7. Adrenal cortex
  8. Gonads and internal reproductive organs
  9. Spleen
  10. Kidney and ureter
  11. Trigone of bladder
  12. Duramater

Mesodermal Derivative Mnemonic: GONADS

  1. Genitourinary and Renal
  2. Others – Muscle, bone, connective tissue, serous lining of body cavities, cardiovascular system, parenchyma
  3. Notochord – Nucleus pulposus
  4. Adrenal cortex
  5. Duramater
  6. Spleen

Derivatives of Endoderm

Epithelial lining of:

  1. Respiratory: Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi and Lungs
  2. Tonsils, Pharynx and GI tract
  3. Thymus
  4. Urinary:
    • Urinary bladder (except trigone)
    • Female urethra (except part of posterior wall)
    • Male urethra (except posterior part of prostatic urethra and glanular part)
  5. Biliary system
  6. Lower 2/3rd of vagina and Inner surface of labia minora
  7. Ear:
    • Inner layer of tympanic membrane
    • Middle ear cavity
    • Auditory tube
    • Mastoid antrum and air cells


  1. Liver
  2. Pancreas
  3. Tonsils
  4. Thyroid gland
  5. Parathyroid glands
  6. Glands of GI tract
  7. Submandibular gland
  8. Sublingual gland
Clinical examination: initial Inspection of patient from end of bed
Appearance (SOB, pain, etc.)
Connections (drips, inhalers, etc. connected to patient)
  • Abdominal swelling causes
  • Breast history checklist
  • Differential diagnosis checklist
  • Fetal Monitoring
  • Glasgow coma scale: components and numbers
  • Heart valve auscultation sites
  • Medical history: disease checklist
  • Neurovascular Assessment
  • Orthopaedic Assessment
  • Past medical history (PMH)
  • Patient profile (PP)
  • Physical examination - correct order
  • Short stature causes
  • Surgical sieve for diagnostic categories
  • Toxicological seizures: Causes
  • Vomiting: non-GIT differential

Bed Of Stomach Mnemonic

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