Western Flyer Bicycle Serial Number Chart

SUNBEAM FRAME NUMBER DATING. 1909 = 96,739 (declared) 1910 = 101,700 (calculated) 1911 = 106,700 (calculated) 1912 = 111,642 (declared) PREMIER FRAME NUMBER DATING. BEESTON HUMBER FRAME NUMBER DATING. ELSWICK HOPPER FRAME NUMBER DATING. The following dated bicycle frame numbers from the Singer Car Club (not guaranteed): 1903 – 142069.

All bikes1all have unique serial numbers.

When the 1970's bike boom brought large numbers of European (and later, Asian) bikes to the U.S., the older American dimensional tolerances went into retreat, and were increasingly relegated to department store bicycles, such as Huffy and Murray. Hawthorne Bicycles. Hawthorne was a brand of Montgomery Ward stores. Most Hawthorne bicycles were manufactured by the Cleveland Welding Company or H.P. Snyder (makers of Rollfast bicycles). While Montgomery Ward did not actually manufacture the bicycles that they sold, they did commission some unique designs that were exclusive to their stores. Original Front fender for a Western Flyer Buzz Bike Model# MO 2752 97. I believe this bik was actually manufactured by Murray. The fender measures 12' from tip to tip. And is 2.5' wide. Includes the mounting bolt. The Western Flyer Bicycle is a vintage bicycle that was first made popular in the 1930s. By a company called Western Auto Supply. Elliptical Bikes Long-Stride. The serial number is an 8-digit located on the round tube, between the rear wheel and the kickstand, just below the ElliptiGO patent stamp. 8 digit number that reads something like 12 034 123 as shown in the photo. If the gear indicator shows a 1, 2 and 3, then you have a 3C model.

Finding a bicycle serial number

Most bicycles have their serial number engraved beneath their bottom bracket, but sometimes serial numbers are found in other places. Here are some examples of where and what to look for:

  • The bottom bracket (where serial numbers are typically located) is circled.

  • A serial number on the underside of a bottom bracket.

  • Another serial number beneath the bottom bracket, aligned parallel to the frame.

  • Rad Power bikes have their serial number on the head tube. This is on the front of the bike.

  • Some Schwinn bicycles also have the unique identifying number (their serial number) on the head tube.

  • A serial number located on a rear dropout. Some BMX bikes and a few Schwinn bicycles place the serial on the rear dropout. Physical metallurgy book by vijendra singh pdf free download. On older Schwinns there are numbers stamped on both the drive side and non-drive side rear dropouts; the one on the non-drive side dropout is the serial number.

  • Some bikes have multiple serial numbers.2When adding a bike to the Index, it's best to enter all the groups of numbers and letters separated by spaces. Driver sound card sv550 yamaha 724.

Hopefully you can find the serial number on the bicycle you're looking at - email contact@bikeindex.org if you're having trouble.

Searching serials on Bike Index

Specialized bicycle serial number chart

Finding bicycles by serial number on Bike Index is a critical part of our functionality. When searching for a serial number, use our serial search bar - it's the second bar on our search form.

We've done a few things to make it more likely that you'll find the bike you're looking for.

  • Certain numbers and letters are difficult or impossible to distinguish between (e.g. 0 and O, S and 5). We treat all these numbers the same way - a search for 005LLL will match a bike with the serial OOS111.
  • We split bike serials up by spaces and store each separately. If you see multiple numbers on a bicycle - such as in the photo of the Look bike above - try searching for just one of the numbers at a time. Searching for eitherM4106I9CA1 or 200910427-2A will find the bike.
  • We do close serial matching - bikes with serial numbers that are close to the serial you entered are shown below the matching results under the heading 'Serial Numbers Close to..' - given a search of a serial number with a couple numbers/letters that are different or missing.
  • We do not currently do partial serial searches. If you search for 1234, you will only find bikes with serial numbers of 1234 and serials close to that - not a bike with serial number of 12345689.
  1. Okay, fine, so maybe there are a few bikes without serial numbers, but this is rare and typical only on hand made bikes or really old bicycles.↩
  2. In this picture 200910427-2A is a manufacturer number and not a serial number. However, to make bikes as easy as possible to find, feel free to enter all numbers you encounter.↩

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Will the serial number on my Giant help identify the model

Western Flyer Bicycle Identification

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Image Name: Record Your Frame Number
File Size: 270 x 270 pixels (18753 bytes)
Western Flyer Bicycle Serial Number ChartWestern Flyer Bicycle Serial Number Chart

Trek Bicycle Serial Number Chart

Image Name: Date of Theft
File Size: 360 x 360 pixels (15059 bytes)

Western Flyer Bicycle Serial Number Lookup

Related Keyword:
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